Course Development
Please submit a request to develop a new Global Campus course or redesign an existing course. Please submit your request early because we typically run out of space about three weeks into the semester.
Getting Started: I’ve been asked to develop a Global Campus course
- First, your department requests a project with desired term to develop and desired term to offer.
- After approval, a dedicated Instructional Designer (ID) will be assigned to collaborate with you on building the course. They will facilitate connections with teams like the media team for creating immersive multimedia learning materials and the Course Production team for developing the online space.
Download Course Development Process (pdf)
Allow 3-6 months prior to delivery (semester it is offered); discuss time line considerations with your ID.
Note: While you may have taught this course on-campus, it helps to review existing content and discuss how best to deliver the content online. Additionally, it is common to underestimate the time commitment required for creating a Global Campus course, so be sure to respond to your ID when they reach out to get started.
We are here to partner with you to create meaningful learning experiences, guide you through the ever-changing landscape of online learning, and ensure a streamlined process. Our Instructional Designers have a combined 24 years of Higher Ed teaching experience and a combined 9 years of K12 experience. In addition, our designers come from various backgrounds bringing with them degrees in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, Adult Learning and Leadership, Biology Education, and even English, making this team incredibly dynamic.
If you are not currently assigned an Instructional Designer, you can request an appointment for Global Campus to get connected.
You can direct any questions to
The following templates can be downloaded, filled in, and sent to the instructional designer or course production team. We can build the content for you based on your materials.
- Design Matrix (doc)
- Syllabus (doc) (Please note that many course policies are built-in to the course space and are not included here)
- Lesson Outline Template (doc)
- Course Schedule – Spring Semester (doc)
- Course Schedule – Fall Semester (doc)
- Course Schedule – 12-week term (doc)
- Course Schedule – 6-week term (doc)