Have you ever considered allowing students to take a greater role in facilitating class discussions in online forums? This week’s tip provides some ideas for how to do this in your course.
As a faculty-focused department, we value your feedback. This week’s tip highlights a few faculty favorites that were voted as helpful by readers in the 2021-2022 academic year.
Are you scheduled to teach a summer session? Converting a 16-week semester course calendar to a summer schedule poses some unique design challenges. This week’s tip provides some considerations as you begin converting your schedule.
Selecting resources for your course can be a challenge. Especially when there are a wide variety of resources to choose from. A previous Weekly Tip entitled How to Choose a Quality Third-Party Resource, provided a checklist of considerations for selecting resources. Here are some additional points to consider.
In September 2018, we shared a tip that defined low-stakes formative assessments and suggested a few strategies. In the following tip, we’ll be taking a closer look at a few of the strategies mentioned, considering how these can help your students better retain information and prepare for future high-stakes assessment.