Digital Technology Accessibility
Proactively creating, finding, and using accessible digital course content has many benefits:
- Helps create more accessible, inclusive learning opportunities and environments for a diverse student population.
- Removes learning barriers and allows all learners the opportunity to access course content equally and independently.
- You will also be prepared when a disability-related accommodation is requested. If your content is an already accessible format, then:
- There are fewer, if any, alterations that need to be made to current content to ensure it meets student accommodation needs.
- There is little to no delay for students in receiving accessible material.
- Students may not need to seek accommodations.
How to begin?
Allow digital accessibility to become part of your process:
- By incorporating at least one digital accessibility tip provided into your course materials now, can help you begin to build accessibility into their regular course preparation process. Doing this will benefit both you and your diverse student population!
- Consider low-effort, high-reward practices and commit to continual improvement over time – you do not need to get everything right immediately.