Global Campus Syllabus

The Global Campus Canvas space meets the WSU Syllabus requirements and the unique needs of an online course. Each semester we try to ensure all required elements are up to date, but we rely on instructors to review and update their syllabus each semester. As a reminder, our Global Campus Support Team is available to assist you in making edits. You can respond directly to your General Maintenance email/request or email with questions and requests. 


The Global Campus syllabus follows a specific format and includes required statements and content. 


Follow these guidelines to adhere to the required format for a Global Campus syllabus: 

  • Include all content on the page instead of solely as an attachment. 
  • The More Information statement and link are intact.
  • Provide textbook/course materials information through Course Verification instead of typing directly on the page
    • The information will be posted on the More Information page after you confirm in Course Verification. 
    • This ensures correct information is copied semester to semester. 


Follow these guidelines to include all required statements for a Global Campus syllabus. 

  • Ensure the required embedded GC and WSU policies and statements are present and intact.  
    • When in edit mode, these policies and statements will not show up in full.  
    • University Syllabus statements are located on a separate page. 
  • Include your late policy and ensure this information is accurate. 
  • Include your instructor interaction policy. This should include when and how often the instructor will be in the course space, how quickly students can expect answers to questions and email, discussion responses, and for their grades to be posted. 
  • Best Practice: Include an inclusivity statement or send students to local resources such as food pantries. Review for Designing Syllabi for Student Success and Accessibility for ideas and best practices. 

Course Content 

Include the following to ensure you meet syllabus content requirements. 

  • Course Overview and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). 
  • An explanation of how assignments and activities advance learning outcomes. 
  • Coursework listed by category and/or organized by assignment type. 
  • Grading table that shows the grading breakdown for all categories with points and/or percentages for each. 

What to Avoid Including 

We aim to limit duplication across the course space to increase the chance of accuracy from semester to semester. Additionally, we want students to focus on the crucial information for the course in the syllabus and limit scrolling.  

  • Course Schedule: The Global Campus structure meets requirements as the link to the schedule is on the left-hand navigation. 
  • Rubrics: Use the Canvas Rubrics options or attach your document to the assignment/quiz instead of including them in the syllabus. 
  • Assignment instructions: All required information should be directly with the Canvas item; the syllabus simply provides students with an overview of the type of work they’ll be doing for the course. 
  • Textbook details: This is communicated through More Information page. 
  • Proctoring information: This is communicated through More Information page. 

Syllabus Action Items 

Every semester, please review and adjust the following statements in your syllabus, as necessary. If they are not reviewed, there is a chance that a generic statement (“the most up-to-date information is with the instructor”) or an inaccurate policy from a previous version is present. 

  • Late Policy: What is your protocol for accepting late work? 
  • Instructor Interaction Statement 
  • Academic Integrity Instructor Statement (being added beginning Summer 2024) 
    • Please review the WSU-provided statement before writing any specifics for your course. 

Note: You should also update the Instructor Introduction. Select “Instructor Introduction” button from the Home Page. This can be written, include an image, and/or a brief Panopto video.