
Are You Ready for Canvas?

The WSU Canvas transition is coming in Fall 2021. Are you ready? AOI is offering several resources to help support you in the journey from Blackboard to Canvas. Starting early on the migration process from will be essential in making a smooth transition from Blackboard to Canvas.

Categories: Tips

Combating the Silence by Building a Culture of Safety – Part II

Welcome to Part II of a multi-part Weekly Tip, where we share tips from Dr. Janet Peters, a WSU Scholarly Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology, on how to Combat the Silence in synchronous Zoom class sessions! In “Combating the Silence through Zoom Chat – Part I” we discussed some of the challenges that instructors faced following the abrupt transition to synchronous class meetings on Zoom.

Categories: Tips

Fostering Collaboration with Shared Documents

Shared documents are often overlooked as a collaboration tool. A shared document is any live document, presentation, or even spreadsheet which can be edited in real time. When used effectively, they can also increase efficiency; and be used as a reference later.

Categories: Tips

Communication: Canvas Transition (March 10, 2021)

As you might have heard, WSU is currently transitioning its Learning Management System (LMS) from Blackboard to Canvas. By Fall 2021, all instruction will occur through Canvas. For you, this means that all course content you have in Blackboard courses will be moved into Canvas course spaces.

Categories: Communications