Be Prepared for Canvas

AOI | Learning Innovations
Faculty Insider

Weekly Tip: Be Prepared for Canvas

The WSU Canvas transition is coming in Fall 2021. Get ready and be well-informed! AOI has developed various resources to support you in the journey from Blackboard to Canvas. Starting early on the migration process will be essential in making a smooth transition from Blackboard to Canvas. Below are important resources and steps you can take now to be ready for the Canvas migration process. 

Request a Canvas Sandbox

A sandbox is an empty course shell assigned to you that allows you to test the various features and integrations of Canvas before diving into your class course space. Use the sandbox request form to get started.

Import the Canvas Campus-Based Credit Template

If you don’t want to start from a blank Canvas shell, you could import the Canvas Campus-Based Credit Template. This template includes customized menu items for your syllabus and course schedule as well as sample modules and a helpful resource on the homepage that guides students through navigating Canvas.  Watch this quick tutorial on how to import the template to your Canvas sandbox or course space.

AOI Canvas Training

Attend an AOI Canvas Training

These live trainings will get you started with everything you need to know about Canvas. Check out the training schedule on the LI website for dates and times. 

  • Canvas | Getting Started ( recording)
  • Canvas | Assignments and Rubrics (recording)
  • Canvas | Tests and Quizzes (recording coming soon)
  • Canvas | Gradebook (recording)

Canvas Demo Course Space

Check out a Canvas Demo Course to see the Canvas Campus-Based template in action. You can experience the course space as student and take a test, access discussions, look over groups, see announcements, and much more.

WSU Knowledge Base

For Canvas tutorials, visit the WSU Knowledge Base. These tutorials include links to helpful videos and resources on almost any Canvas topic. The tutorials are WSU specific, and include all integrations and elements available to WSU instructors.

Canvas Integrations

Check out the third-party integrations that are either already integrated into Canvas, in process for approval, or scheduled for Canvas integration in Fall 2021. If you would like to request a new Canvas integration, complete the appropriate request form at Canvas Integration and Feature Requests.  AOI offers training on Zoom, Panopto, Perusall and VoiceThread – check out the training schedule

Blackboard Migration Help

Start early to avoid the rush! WSU’s current Blackboard access will expire on Aug 21, 2021. For assistance migrating existing Blackboard content to Canvas for Summer or Fall 2021, please contact

  • Courses in Canvas are now created in myWSU. Please contact your department course scheduler or campus course scheduler to create a Canvas course for Summer 2021 or Fall 2021.
  • Be sure to include the Blackboard Course ID as well as the destination Canvas ID.
  • Course migrations can take up to two weeks.

Want to Complete the Migration Yourself? 

NOTE: Global Campus migration is a separate process.

The below recordings will give Campus-Based course instructors step-by-step instructions on how to migrate your content from Blackboard to Canvas:

Visit AOI On-Demand Support for Technical and Pedagogical Assistance

If you have questions about course design or need technical assistance with Canvas, visit On-Demand Support.

This series is presented by Learning Innovations. We invite you to peruse the archive, suggest a topicshare a tip, review the Teaching Toolkit, and join our list serv.

Global Campus and the Learning Innovations team can provide support through live assistance and self-guided inquiry. Our teams can work with you on course design and delivery, as well as technical problems (including Canvas). Learn more about available support options.