Distance Delivery

Early Results of Faculty Survey Regarding Socially-Distanced Learning

Members of WSU Office of Institutional Research and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics surveyed a pool of voluntary faculty members on the transition to online teaching during social distancing. With this blog post, we want to share some of the preliminary results from the 37 respondents, showing what technology, apps, and services folks are finding useful as well as identifying some of the early hurdles faculty have faced.

Categories: Distance Delivery

Using a Smartphone as a Webcam

If you need an extra webcam, particularly a wireless webcam that can be positioned almost anywhere, you may be able to turn your smartphone into a wireless webcam.

Categories: Distance Delivery

Scheduling Student Time with Calendly

I teach a range of technology-heavy courses that involved demonstrating software and programming. For the new distance learning model, I am trying to provide the most flexible and expansive student support that I can. This means going almost entirely asynchronous for lectures and demos, and then providing time to be available for live student interactions with Zoom.

Categories: Distance Delivery

Online Instruction From a Student Perspective

As a senior at WSU Global Campus, I consider myself an experienced user of distance learning methods. I’ve had the opportunity to take online classes in a wide variety of disciplines and have experienced a plethora of different teaching styles in this medium.

Categories: Distance Delivery