Distance Delivery

Build In Student Feedback

Teaching online can feel disorienting if you’re used to informal classroom feedback when students nod, take notes, look confused, ask for clarification, etc. Build in opportunities for frequent student feedback about course content, as well as how students are doing in general.

Categories: Distance Delivery

In-Person to Online: A few practical tips for the transfer of course content

As Director of Murrow Online Programs, I am on the leadership team responsible for onboarding instructors new to teaching in the online space. Washington State University Global Campus andAcademic Outreach and Innovation (AOI) have a lot of practical tips, tools, techniques, and training materials available for instructors to use as they make this transition (visit end of the article for links). But at this is a time crunch moment for many, resources are great – but really you just need someone to say “this is how you do it.” Here we go…

Categories: Distance Delivery