Preparing for Spring 2022

AOI | Learning Innovations
Faculty Insider

Weekly Tip: Preparing for Spring 2022

As we approach the Spring 2022 term, the Learning Innovations team would like to invite you to take advantage of our training and support offerings! In the context of a global pandemic, we recognize that education has changed dramatically over the last few years, and we hope we can help you as you consider how to combine proven pedagogical strategies with Canvas and WSU-licensed educational technologies to create powerful learning experiences for your students.

Need Training?

Do you need training on how to operate Canvas? Would you like to learn how Panopto, Perusall, and VoiceThread can help you increase engagement and instructor presence? How about pedagogical strategies for distance learning? Our Training Offerings are here for you.

What Trainings are Offered?

  • Canvas Series. The Canvas series covers all aspects of teaching with Canvas.
  • Educational Technology. The Ed Tech series provides an overview of the tools WSU licenses with – Panopto, Perusall, and VoiceThread – and demonstrates how each tool synchs with Canvas.
  • Teaching from a Distance. The TFAD series covers pedagogical practices when developing distance learning activities and courses.

Distance Delivery Master Certificate

Earn your Distance Delivery Mastery Certificate by attending three AOI trainings (with at least one from the TFAD training), and by taking a self-assessment! According to the site:

The Distance Delivery Mastery Certificate provides an opportunity for instructors to gain competence in all aspects critical to fostering student success in the distance delivery environment. Through trainings, and the support of Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI), instructors will gain the knowledge and tools needed to successfully adapt their teaching style to the distance environment.

Earning this certificate allows instructors to build confidence and comfort in the distance environment thereby enriching their teaching, promoting student success, and documenting professional development.

This certificate meets the Faculty Training Requirements for instruction in Some Online, Online, or Blended with Global courses as described in the Spring 2022 Instructional Guidelines (pdf) (see Page 2) from the Office of the Provost.

Canvas Learning Path

Learn how to use Canvas through our Canvas Learning Path.

This resource includes actions and resources designed to help you learn the elements of Canvas and to simplify building your course and interacting with students. With many resource links to access, you’ll have the help you need to learn how to operate Canvas and create a space that is welcoming, navigable, engaging, and interactive.

Need help?

Our On-Demand Support is a place for you to consult with instructional designers for immediate help related to pedagogy, educational technology, and/or course design.

For more technical questions, please contact Crimson Service Desk.

This series is presented by Learning Innovations. We invite you to peruse the archive, suggest a topicshare a tip, review the Teaching Toolkit, and join our list serv.

Global Campus and the Learning Innovations team can provide support through live assistance and self-guided inquiry. Our teams can work with you on course design and delivery, as well as technical problems (including Canvas). Learn more about available support options.