Use New Analytics to Support Student Success

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Weekly Tip: Use New Analytics to Support Student Success

New Analytics is a useful tool within Canvas that provides a simple and scalable way to track student progress and support student success. It also provides an efficient way to identify and message students based on specific criteria.

You can access New Analytics on your Canvas homepage in the menu on the right-hand side of the page. You can also add it to your left-hand course navigation menu. 

The following steps will guide you through using New Analytics to message students based on specific criteria.  In this example, it will be used to identify students who have not opened your syllabus in Canvas. 

First, select New Analytics from the menu on the right-hand side of your Canvas Homepage.

Screenshot: Select New Analytics.

On the page that opens, select Weekly Online Activity.

Screenshot: Select Weekly Online Activity.

Next, select the Message Students Who button on the right-hand side of the page.

Screenshot: Select the envelope icon.

Select Didn’t View from the menu toolbar and type “syllabus” in the window next to the word Resource. You can also select resources from the drop down menu.

Screenshot: select Didn't View.

Select the link that shows the number of students to review their names.

Screenshot: select the students.

You can then send an email message to them, if you like, with a copy of the syllabus.

Screenshot: Add the message.

Here is a short video about New Analytics if you would like to learn more.

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