Global Campus Courses: We are Migrating Panopto For You! (July 8, 2021)

AOI | Learning Innovations
Faculty Insider

Communication: Global Campus Courses: We are Migrating Panopto For You!

AOI emails dated July 8, 2021

Subject: Global Campus Courses: We are Migrating Panopto For You!

Dear Global Campus Faculty,

Please note that the information provided in this communication is different than the communication you received from Information Technology Services (ITS) about migrating Panopto videos in non-Global Campus courses.

As part of the transition from Blackboard to Canvas, existing Panopto videos will be migrated from Blackboard to Canvas. This migration, scheduled for August, will make all Panopto videos available in Canvas for Fall 2021 and beyond. Please see below for the detailed timeline.

For your Global Campus courses, you do not need to worry about copying, moving, or downloading any Panopto content in Blackboard or Canvas. What follows is some important information regarding the transition and the various ways Global Campus’ staff will be available to support you.


Canvas Migration: August 9 – 13, 2021

  1. Any videos that were created or uploaded in Canvas-Panopto (prior to Aug. 9) will not be available to view or edit during this timeframe.
    • o If you have a course that is live during this timeframe, Global Campus will take action to ensure your video content is available. You will receive a separate communication.
  2. Blackboard-Panopto videos will be available to view and edit.
  3. New Canvas-Panopto videos can be created or uploaded.
  4. Instructors and students will be able to access all videos created through Canvas-Panopto again starting Aug. 14.

Blackboard Merge: August 20 – 25, 2021

  • Please do not create or upload any new videos or edit existing videos in Blackboard-Panopto during this timeframe. If you do need to create or upload videos, please use Canvas-Panopto. Learn how to create or upload Panopto videos in Canvas
  • Any videos that were created or uploaded in Blackboard-Panopto will not be available to view or edit during this timeframe.
  • Canvas-Panopto videos will be available to view and edit.
  • New Canvas-Panopto videos can be created or uploaded.
  • On Aug. 26, all videos created or uploaded in both Canvas-Panopto and Blackboard-Panopto will be available in Canvas.

Visit Knowledge Base article for the Panopto Migration Schedule.


For each Fall 2021 course, Global Campus will complete the following actions on these dates:

Prior to August 20: Manually migrate the first two weeks of Panopto videos from Blackboard to Canvas. All progress will be communicated through Media Verification.

After August 26: Move or copy the remainder of your Panopto videos to the appropriate Canvas course folder. All progress will be communicated through Media Verification.

Learn more about Course Verification.

Global Campus staff

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I migrate all my videos manually prior to the system migration?

You do not need to take action. To minimize duplication of content, Global Campus staff will be addressing all Fall 2021 Global Campus courses.

I am an instructor who is using Canvas-Panopto and I do not need videos from Blackboard-Panopto. Am I impacted by this migration?

Yes. From Aug. 9 – 13, any videos that were created or uploaded in Canvas-Panopto (prior to Aug. 9) will not be available to view or edit, but you will be able to create or upload new videos.

On Aug. 14, 2021, all Canvas-Panopto videos will again be accessible through Canvas.

I am an instructor who is using Canvas in the Fall and I need Blackboard-Panopto videos from a course that was taught by another instructor. How do I get access to those videos?

Please make this request through Course Verification or email and provide the Blackboard course ID to request permission to access the Panopto videos. This may require approval from the instructor or department.

My course is not taught Summer 2021 or Fall 2021. Do I need to take any action?

No. Global Campus will be addressing each course when it is delivered. No Panopto content will be lost.

The Panopto links within my Canvas course do not work after Aug. 25, 2021.

Please contact for assistance and provide the Canvas Course ID and link details.

After the migration, I as an instructor have access to the Panopto videos, but students are getting a “Request Access” message.

Please contact for assistance and provide the Canvas Course ID and link details.

What if I have other questions not covered here?

Further questions can be sent to