Engaging Discussions

AOI | Learning Innovations
Faculty Insider

Weekly Tip: Engaging Discussions

Engaging thoughtful and extended discussion in any setting can be difficult at times. However, making room for the discussion of concepts presented in a course can help students make stronger connections between what they are learning and how they can apply their knowledge in authentic contexts. Further, discussions serve as an opportunity for identifying misconceptions and facilitate peer instruction.

Below are simple strategies that can be implemented in any course delivery type (face-to-face, online, video conference, etc.).


  • Prompts should be relevant to the topic or concepts currently being covered in the course.
  • Focus on how a concept presented in the course is being applied or demonstrated through a current event.

Variety & Application

  • Provide more than one option within the same prompt for students to analyze or apply principles to. For instance, ask students to analyze a TED talk or case study that discuss the same topic.
    • Options should be related and encourage students to provide feedback and identify intersections.
  • Prompt students to find examples of the topic being demonstrated in an authentic and everyday context and explain what’s happening and why. Discussion then, is focused on what students contribute.

Quality & Thoughtfulness

Learn more about using rubrics for grading.

Providing ample opportunities for discussion, whether in class or online, is a great way to encourage ongoing learning and engagement. For support implementing discussions in your course, contact the Learning Innovations team.

Additional Resources

This series is presented by Learning Innovations. We invite you to peruse the archive, suggest a topicshare a tip, review the Teaching Toolkit, and join our list serv.

Global Campus and the Learning Innovations team can provide support through live assistance and self-guided inquiry. Our teams can work with you on course design and delivery, as well as technical problems (including Canvas). Learn more about available support options.