Remote Instruction for Studio/Performance Courses

AOI | Learning Innovations
Distance Delivery

Remote Instruction for Studio/Performance Courses

by Rebecca Van de Vord
Academic Outreach and Innovation

From the American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD) Members’ Discussion List:

For Art/Design, we think digital submission of works for cancelled exhibits will probably suffice, but we are less sure how to handle cancelled plays that are tied to courses and graduation requirements. If we cancel events, but hold classes, we’ll simply do the performance without an audience. I also suggested that faculty devise evaluations of rehearsals that could substitute for performances.

As for technical/design students, we’ll likely allow substituting drawings/plans and partially completed builds (costume or scenic). If we must, we’ll simply waive the requirement if someone is graduating and needs the production credit.

In music, we’ll probably also do digital submission for recitals, and ask faculty to evaluate rehearsals and waive the performance requirement.

We also have attendance requirements that will also have to be waived.