Learning Opportunities

These opportunities are virtual and open to anyone teaching a WSU course on any WSU campus.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Canvas, Panopto, and Perusall Drop- In Sessions

Learning Innovations will be offering drop-in sessions. These sessions are for anyone who has questions regarding Canvas, Panopto, or Perusall. No appointment is needed, and you do not have to be there for the entire session.

During the sessions we will be supporting questions like:

  • How do I set up an assignment for peer review?
  • How do I create or assign groups using Canvas?
  • How do I record lecture videos with captions using Panopto?

Join Our Listserv

We will email you with upcoming events and new resources. Typically, no more than once a month.

Send us an email!

Instructor Support

Review all Instructor Support options.

VoiceThread Transition Support

Visit our VoiceThread Transition Support page for details on VoiceThread alternatives.

Request Group Training

Learn more about our group training opportunities tailored for WSU entities and affiliates, covering pedagogical theories, active learning, and technology integration. Use the online Request Training form to tell us what topic you’re interested in or the teaching issue you’d like to address.

Request a Zoom Appointment

If the existing schedule doesn’t work for you, we offer Zoom appointments! Learn more and request an appointment.  Note: Appointments are intended for specific questions regarding supported educational technology (Canvas tools, etc.) and not for 1:1 training.

Recording: Inclusive Pedagogy – A Community of Practice Approach

In collaboration with The WSU Office of Community, Equity and Social Justice | Inclusive Pedagogy Recording | Transcript (pdf)